ePortfolio is a hypotethical portfolio for an initial investment of USD 100’000 at beginning of my journey on august 1st 2013. The real investment is a multiple of it containing 100% of my pension funds.
Asset AllocationePortfolioAnalysisRisk ReportDiversificationCostRelative PerformanceHist. allocation .
Asset classes
Graph: Equity = Stock markets (plus half of real estate and junk bonds), Bonds = Credit and intrest rates risk (plus 1/2 inflation), Real Assets = Real estate, inflation-linked bonds, commodities and gold.
Description* | Trend | Allocation | Position | Investment | Last | Change %** | Dailly P&L *** | Monthly P&L |
US Stocks | bearish | 597.58 | 103.81% | 0.00% | 0.00% | |||
Developed Market Stocks | bearish | 57.94 | 29.62% | 0.00% | 0.00% | |||
Emerging Market Stocks | bearish | 43.80 | 18.99% | 0.00% | 0.00% | |||
Dividend Select Stocks | bearish | 131.69 | 65.25% | 0.00% | 0.00% | |||
Smallcap Value Stocks | bearish | 204.61 | 96.80% | 0.00% | 0.00% | |||
High Yield Bonds | bearish | 28.90 | 8.81% | 0.00% | 0.00% | |||
High Grade Bonds | bullish | 4% | 58 | 5,630 | 106.78 | -17.69% | 0.00% | -0.81% |
US 30 year Treasuries | bullish | 2% | 40 | 3,170 | 87.19 | -48.52% | 0.00% | -1.99% |
International Bonds | bullish | 16% | 536 | 23,827 | 48.90 | -14.36% | 0.00% | -2.66% |
US 7-10 year Treasuries | bullish | 9% | 166 | 13,951 | 92.45 | -24.15% | 0.00% | -2.96% |
Real Estate Stocks | bearish | 89.65 | 16.43% | 0.00% | 0.00% | |||
Inflation-linked Treasuries | bullish | 4% | 270 | 6,369 | 25.95 | -56.36% | 0.00% | -5.47% |
Gold Spot | bullish | 18% | 570 | 26,421 | 50.99 | 229.18% | 0.00% | 12.24% |
Diversified Commodities | bearish | 22.47 | 110.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | |||
0.00% | -1.64% | |||||||
Statistic | ePortfolio | US Benchmark |
Net asset value (NAV)* | 150,271 | 139,701 |
Total return | 50.27% | 39.70% |
Number of years | 6.76 | 6.76 |
Annual return | 6.21% | 5.07% |
Annual risk | 6.66% | 5.67% |
Maximum drawdown* | -19.41% | -14.55% |
Expense Ratio* | 0.27% | 0.38% |
Sharp Ratio* | 0.93 | 0.89 |
Year-to-date | -6.19% | 2.90% |
Month-to-date | -1.64% | 5.52% |
Today | 0.00% | 0.00% |
* NAV = net asset value of portfolio, Risk = annualized Volatility measured daily, Maximum Drawdown = Maximum decline from the peak in portfolio equity, Expense ratio = Annual total operation expeses of assets under management, Sharp ratio = (portfolio return – risk free rate)/ portfolio standard deviation. It is the industries standard measure for the risk adjusted performance of a strategy .
The Portfolio risk of the past 30-days was 3.97%. This is 79% of the expected target risk of 5%. The risk of a correction is 0% since the Portfolio recently performed worse than expected. In case the S&P500 will fall -24.12%, the annual Volatility of the index (Vola), the Portfolio is expected to lose -0.72%. If the 10-year US treasury yield will rise 0.00% (Vola) then the Portfolio is estimated even to win 0.00%. For a gain in the dollar index by 6.96% (Vola) my Portoflio is expected to shed -1.32%. A fall in crude oil of -51.81% (Vola) is expected to cause a loss of 0.00% in my Portfolio. |
30-day Risk
Correction Risk
US Equity Risk
US Interest Rate T-Note
Graph: Risk = 30-day risk of Portfolio compared to expected target risk of 5% in %. Correction = Theoretical probability for a portfolio correction. The better the portfolio performance, the higher the risk of a correction. If the realised return is equal to the expected return, then the probability of correction is 50%.
My Portfolio consists of 6 ETFs that invest in 6'359 securities in 73 countries. The ten largest holdings are in United States (9.69%), Japan (3.44%), France (1.88%), Germany (1.54%), United Kingdom (1.53%), Italy (1.29%), Canada (0.98%), Mexico (0.71%), Belgium (0.58%) and Netherlands (0.50%). |
The weighted ETF expense ratio for my Portfolio is 0.14%, the weighted spread 0.01% and the weighted commission 0.05%. Hence, the total cost of buying and holding my Portfolio for one year is 0.20%. |
Graph: Total cost of buying and holding my Portfolio in % of the portfolio value. Be aware that most financial advisors only show the expense ratio and neglect all other additional cost.
My porfolio outperformed the US pension fund benchmark by 20.75% in the 6.76 years since inception. This is an outperfperformance of 1.14% per annum. Currently, my outperformance is statistically NOT significant. There was a period of -12.71% underperformance. It took 496 days to recover. |
Graphs: Difference of Portfolio and US pension fund benchmark performance in %.
Asset allocation over time resulting from the application of six academic principles. During unfavourable market conditions all positions may be closed.
Graphs: Percentage allocation over time to asset classes and single ETF’s. The percentage that is not allocated (white space) is held in cash.
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Technical |
53% |